FOIA Request

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the Circuit Clerk’s office?

Located on the main floor of the Wayne County Court House:

301 E MAIN ST #204 FAIRFIELD, IL 62837

What are the Circuit Clerk’s office hours?

The Office of the Circuit Clerk is open from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM M-F

Where are the courtrooms?

Courtroom A is located on the second floor of the Courthouse.

Courtroom B is located in the basement of the Courthouse.

How do I get a copy of a marriage or death certificate?


Do I need an attorney for court?

While you can file a case pro se (representing yourself without an attorney), it is always recommended that you use an attorney.

Can Circuit Clerk employees help me with my legal problem?

The staff of the Circuit Clerk’s office is always available to answer your questions. However, employees are prohibited from giving legal advice of any kind.

How can I pay fines or court costs?

The Circuit Clerk’s office accepts cash, cashier’s checks, or money orders. You may also pay online for closed cases.

Do I have to pay my fine in person?

You do not have to pay your fine in person. Any petty traffic offense that does not require a court appearance can be paid by U.S. Mail or online.

How do I get copies of court records?

All records that are not sealed by the court are available for viewing by anyone. Copies are available for a small fee.  A Public Access terminal is located outside the Circuit Clerk’s Office near the South Door. Documents are not available online due to the Administrative Office of Illinois Courts policy on electronic access.

When are court records updated?

Most court records are updated the day that court action is taken, however; some cases cannot be updated until released by the court.

What do I do if I miss a court date?

You should contact your attorney immediately. If you are pro se, you should contact the Circuit Clerk’s office immediately (618)-842-7684 office as soon as possible for information regarding your missed court date if it is a criminal or traffic matter.

Do I need to return my juror questionnaire?

You are required by law to return it in a timely matter.

What happens if I do not show up for jury duty?

The Judge could order the Sheriff to bring you to court to explain your absence.

Can I be excused from jury duty?

Prospective jurors must request in writing an excuse for jury duty. Medical excuses must have a doctor’s note explaining why the individual cannot serve. The Chief Judge will decide whether to grant or deny the request. The Circuit Clerk’s Office will contact you on the Judge’s decision.

How far does the Circuit Clerk records go back to?

We have court records that go back to 1880. Many believe that they were all destroyed in the fire of 1880, but that is not the case. However, only current court cases from 1999 to the present are listed on Judici. Researchers will have to look at indexes for pre-1999 files if not on Judici.

How do I get on supervision for my traffic ticket?

You must contact the State’s Attorney office for supervision.

Wayne County State’s Attorney

(618) 842-3433.