Zoom Court Instructions

2nd Judicial Circuit Courts of Illinois

Topic: Please attend your scheduled court hearing using the zoom app instruction listed below:

Join Zoom Meeting from a Computer:  In web browser, search for zoom or enter www.zoom.us. In the top right of the screen in blue letters, choose JOIN A MEETING Then enter the Meeting ID # 314-102-1687 for Courtroom A

Meeting ID # 858-694-7305 for Courtroom B

Smart Phone: Add the Zoom App from Google Play or the Apple Store. Open the app and choose JOIN A MEETING. Then enter the Meeting ID# 314-102-1687 for Courtroom A or Meeting ID# 858-694-7305 for Courtroom B.

No Internet…No Problem. Just dial this number: 1-312-626-6799 from any phone, then press # and enter the Meeting ID 314-102-1687 for Courtroom A or      Meeting ID# 858-694-7305 for Courtroom B.  No participant ID required. Just press # again and you will be connected.